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Teens 'N Tots
Breaking the stigma of teenage parenting by providing a safe environment with knowledge and resources for a successful parenting journey.
Parenting is hard. Being a teenage parent is even more difficult. Here at ChildLaw Services, we work with teen moms (both with children or currently pregnant) to connect them with valuable resources in the community to ensure their needs, along with the needs of the child(ren), are met. Most importantly, we want teen moms to know they are not alone.
What We Do
TnT provides information and support from local leaders and experts that range from pregnancy and motherhood to general life topics like budgeting and resume building. We are here to help you succeed!
Services offered through Teens 'n Tots is free to all pregnant or current mothers in southern West Virginia.
Weekly Meetings Both In-Person and via Zoom
Support Group
Provide information on life topics such as budgeting and resume building.
Help Connect Teens with Community Resources
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